
No canine hot pot just yet

Well my first full day in Korea has been full of ups and downs. I've clashed with the underground system twice, once getting completely stuck on the wrong side of the barriers without and change to get out, although I was released eventually and I think I know how the darn system works for future reference.

I spent most of the day on the beach writing some notes for articles. The weather was somewhat mixed, and I ended up getting rained on a little when heading back from the beach but it didn't matter much. Although the BBC forecast for here says it's really humid it doesn't feel too bad at all, perhaps as the temperature's pretty reasonable from what I can tell.

It's possible to eat out really quite cheaply here, although as few places seem to employ the photographic menu system favoured in Japan there's a significant chance of starving to death if you don't understand what's written. It's yet to be seen which of the two paths I end up on!

I've noticed more attention here by the locals than in Japan. I suspect Korea receives less foreign tourists and a place like Busan less still. I've had a few people come up and talk to me, something which I'm automatically rather suspicious about as I generally suspect they're after my brass or they want to redeem my soul from eternal damnation or similiar. I came across the latter group the odd time in Japan. However on on occasion an old guy showed me how to use the underground ticket machine. As it happened it was perfectly straight forward and I had it sussed, although if I'd been travelling to a different 'sector' as I was today his help might have saved me all the agro I had. In any case I'm still not too sure how open to be to people approaching on the street. One guy was chatting to another guy on the street last night and said "hello my friend" upon seeing me. I ignored him and walked on. He might have been trying to be friendly, who knows, but when he speaks like that and sounds like some iffy middle eastern carpet salesman what am I expected to thing?

Haven't really discovered more about the Korean people yet. Mobile phones from home don't work here. Meeting a friend later. Out of time!


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