Lenin and beyond
Yesterday after many days of trying I finally got to see Lenin! Forget the rumours, there was no queue, and aside from having to hand on in mobile (as it had a camera built in) it was plain sailing, as I deliberately went without a bag, although as it turns out I could have left it. I'm also getting on with this pretending to be Russian lark and being charged the Russian rate for leaving my mobile rather than the tourist rate which was 3 times as much. It was a small amount but there's the principle to uphold, I mean after all this isn't entry to a museum, it's just very temporary bag storage!
So Lenin; it was a brief encounter, a strange experience really, not fantastic but well, I've done it! I thought he looked a bit plasticy but then after 80 years being pumped full of chemicals that's probably to be expected. There's also a really bright white light on him in an otherwise very dark room so it's tricky to gauge exactly what colour he looks. After you leave you can't simply return to the bag store and go, oh no, that's far too easy and straight-forward for the Russians! Instead you have to walk along the back of Red Square, which is interesting enough as it has the graves of various famous Soviets, including Stalin, Brezhnev and Gagarin, and once you've seen that you have to walk across the Red Square and all the way back around out of the exit then back into the entrance to Lenin flashing your bag ticket for quick entry, then back to the bag room and squeeze past all the people waiting to get in to see Lenin. It's crazy Russian-ness at its illogical best!
Later today I shall *finally* be leaving the polluted streets of Moscow and heading off the trans-siberian, stopped first at Kazan, a mere 12-hours and one night's kip away. I've no idea what to expect there, although I've been told by other travellers that it's pretty quiet there and aside from the UNESCO World Heritage listed Kremlin which is why everyone visits there's not a great deal to do, which to be honest is fine with me! I've made some butties for the trip, although there are much longer legs of the journey to come which I'll need to stock up for nearer the time.
Today then will be spend with killing some time. I've being doing well so far; I've written a few postcards and am going to try to post one or two souvenirs back home, although the people who work in the post offices here seem so universally rude and unhelpful I really have no idea whether I'll manage it or not. Expect Russian souvenirs from Japan perhaps!!!
I'm not sure when I'll next have internet access, so for the moment I shall bid you adieu until next I reach civilisation!
So Lenin; it was a brief encounter, a strange experience really, not fantastic but well, I've done it! I thought he looked a bit plasticy but then after 80 years being pumped full of chemicals that's probably to be expected. There's also a really bright white light on him in an otherwise very dark room so it's tricky to gauge exactly what colour he looks. After you leave you can't simply return to the bag store and go, oh no, that's far too easy and straight-forward for the Russians! Instead you have to walk along the back of Red Square, which is interesting enough as it has the graves of various famous Soviets, including Stalin, Brezhnev and Gagarin, and once you've seen that you have to walk across the Red Square and all the way back around out of the exit then back into the entrance to Lenin flashing your bag ticket for quick entry, then back to the bag room and squeeze past all the people waiting to get in to see Lenin. It's crazy Russian-ness at its illogical best!
Later today I shall *finally* be leaving the polluted streets of Moscow and heading off the trans-siberian, stopped first at Kazan, a mere 12-hours and one night's kip away. I've no idea what to expect there, although I've been told by other travellers that it's pretty quiet there and aside from the UNESCO World Heritage listed Kremlin which is why everyone visits there's not a great deal to do, which to be honest is fine with me! I've made some butties for the trip, although there are much longer legs of the journey to come which I'll need to stock up for nearer the time.
Today then will be spend with killing some time. I've being doing well so far; I've written a few postcards and am going to try to post one or two souvenirs back home, although the people who work in the post offices here seem so universally rude and unhelpful I really have no idea whether I'll manage it or not. Expect Russian souvenirs from Japan perhaps!!!
I'm not sure when I'll next have internet access, so for the moment I shall bid you adieu until next I reach civilisation!
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